


Bedrock Books’ reading groups and books have positive personal and social impact. Below are just some of the responses we have had:

“The books have been great in helping the children take ‘time out’ from the devastating effects of domestic abuse, and have given them time to experience stillness and peace in a turbulent time in their lives.” Books at Bedtime

“The books have been received fantastically across the whole prison, Splitting The Arrow especially …several of our more vulnerable prisoners have felt they have been helped just by reading the stories and one in particular read the book and decided to copy out quotes that he felt could help him and he stuck it up on the walls inside his cell.” Librarian Wormwood scrubs

“Thought provoking, both simple and complex simultaneously”. Reading group participant

“I enjoyed the questions posed in the book and how they led to further questions and other thoughts”. Reading group participant

“Self-worth is the key to inner peace rather than external views.” 

“That reflection is positive, sometimes humbling and always stimulating”

‘‘To appreciate that dawn always follows the night”.

‘‘I am taking away that I have the power within myself to deal with anything/situation.” 

“The book enabled myself and others to open up emotionally and share feelings and emotions.”

“The total positivity, given what can be a very negative environment.” Inmate and Reading Group participant

“It is possible to change the world in ways that use tiny (way smaller than baby) steps.’’Reading Group participant

‘‘To listen carefully to people’s opinions, perspectives and thoughts, even if I don’t agree with them; they can still evoke thought which would not have been evoked without listening to them.” Reading Group participant

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